Automatic Rewind Coiler-ARC

Automatic Rewind Coiler comes out with higher coil production at lower cost, greater production flexibility and increase extrusion speed up to 100% and reduce labor cost up to 75%.

Leaders with (PCT) Pipe Coil Technology Innovations


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Higher coil Production at Lower cost

Higher extrusion speeds are obtained by winding directly onto master reels which typically hold 4 to 48 hours of continuous production. Finished coils are wound “off-line” by transferring product from the master reels to finished coil lengths at high speed using a fully integrated automatic coiling system. This results in higher extrusion speeds, less down time, reduced waste and lower labor costs.

Greater Production Flexibility

Coil size changes are made frequently and easily while maximizing extrusion efficiency. Finished coil inventory is typically reduced when coil production is aligned with order fulfillment. Rewind coiling may also be performed remotely, i.e. at distribution warehouse.

Increase Extrusion Speed up to 100% and Reduce Labor cost up to 75%

Off-line coiling separates the production of finished coils from the extrusion process enabling higher extrusion speeds, less downtime, reduced waste and labor cost per coil. This proven method should be considered when two or more extrusion lines producing similar sized products are in service, or when on-line production of finished coils reduces extrusion line speed throughput efficiencies.

Leaders with (PCT) Pipe Coil Technology Innovations


  • Higher coil Production at Lower cost
  • Greater Production flexibility
  • Increase extrusion speed up to 100% and Reduce Labor cost up to 75%

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