Semiautomatic Coilers

Semiautomatic coilers are a low cost alternative to fully automatic equipment. These coilers wind the product as it emerges from the extrusion line automatically following extrusion speed using dancer arm or torque control, and they automatically layer the pipe into the desired coil shape.

Leaders with (PCT) Pipe Coil Technology Innovations

Semiautomatic Coilers1

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Semiautomatic coilers are a low cost alternative to fully automatic equipment. These coilers wind the product as it emerges from the extrusion line automatically following extrusion speed using dancer arm or torque control, and they automatically layer the pipe into the desired coil shape. Attachment of the product to the reel is manual as is cutting at the end of extrusion.Packaging is applied by the operator who also is required to unload the finished coil. Automatic pipe layering and auto stop at pipe end are standard across the range.

Leaders with (PCT) Pipe Coil Technology Innovations


  • Only one operator is required to oversee the operation of two or more machines. Where coiler utilization is low semiautomatic equipment produces coils comparable to the fully automated process for less capital investment.


  • A wide range of coil head adjustment and interchangeable pipe support plates allow operation across a range of diameters from small diameter tube, hose and conduit up to 6” diameter HDPE pressure pipe.


  • Systems within our semiautomatic range are typically used for 1.5” to 6” diameter HDPE, PEX and nylon pressure pipe, composite pipes and pre-insulated pipes. Wheel mounting allows easy movement between lines.


  • Low Ovality Technology - reduces pipe ovality in PE and PEX pipes
  • Wheel mounting
  • Integrated coil unload device
  • Automatic strapping

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